Commercial & Business Law

No one ever believes that the inevitable will happen to them suddenly or without warning, but the truth is, that this often happens and families are left with the aftermath of bad planning.

We can only urge you to consider what would happen with your affairs in the unlikely event of your sudden passing, and how this would add to the tragedy and emotional trauma experienced by your family. It is far wiser to make proper provision for your death, regardless of when that could be, but be well prepared and in a position to simply update or amend your estate planning on an annual basis.

Unfortunately, our existence is not simple, in either life or death, and in both instances the Taxman has a say. You need to ensure the most efficient way that your assets and financial affairs can be wound up and the benefits passed on to your family or beneficiaries, with the least impact or duties. This will also ensure that soon after your death, your family will be in a secure financial position and not have to wait months, and sometimes years for a messy estate to be wound up. There can be nothing worse than to suffer the double blow of losing your loved one and still be left with no access to funds due to bad or insufficient planning.

You no doubt have accrued a level of wealth in insurance policies, investments, properties, and provident funds or pensions plans. Most important of all, you need to know that the person or company who will safely manage your affairs and support your family after you have passed on, is someone you can trust. Allow us the opportunity to assist you with sound planning to protect your assets in both life and death.

Complimentary Online Advice

If you have a pending question on any legal matter or simply seek some interim advice, email us on and we will respond with the basic process and cost table.

You will not be charged for the response, nor will you be under any obligation to use our services. Please note that some issues may require a more detailed response than we are able to provide as a quick response via email.